Employers’ liability claim

We can help you make a claim if you’ve been involved in an accident at work. And we are committed to ensuring you receive financial justice by obtaining as much compensation as possible.

Our caring and sympathetic approach ensures your needs are our top priority, and we aim for your claim to proceed as quickly and smoothly as possible.

If you can’t work due to your injuries, we’ll also ensure you receive support and advice about loss of earnings and rehabilitation treatment.

How long do I have to make a claim?

Claims can be made within three years of an incident, but ideally sooner and preferably as soon as possible after it’s happened. For industrial disease claims (such as industrial deafness or vibration white finger) your claim should be made within three years of knowing it might have been caused by your job.

Types of accident at work

An accident can occur from a single incident, or when circumstances over time lead to an illness. They include

  • slips, trips or falls
  • injuries caused by defective machinery
  • heavy lifting injuries
  • injuries caused by another employee’s mistake
  • industrial diseases, such as industrial deafness or vibration white finger

Apprehensive about making a claim?

It’s important to know that

  • your employer has a legal obligation to provide a safe working environment
  • they are required to have insurance in place, so you will not directly impact them financially
  • you may help create a safer working environment and prevent further accidents
  • it’s illegal for an employer to dismiss you for making a claim against them

Steps to take if you have an accident at work


  1. Seek medical attention as soon as possible (even if you didn’t get it at the time as some symptoms can develop later).
  2. Report the accident to your supervisor/manager and ensure it’s recorded in your workplace’s accident book.
  3. Note down as many details as possible, such as where the accident happened, what caused the accident, the names of any witnesses etc. Take photos if possible.
  4. Keep a record of any expenses resulting from the injury (for example, medical and travel) and keep receipts.

Talk to us about how we can help you.

Complete our personal injury form.

Or contact us for a free, no-obligation face-to-face or telephone appointment.


01246 956300

